Understanding the Law of Detachment (with Examples)

The Law of Detachment is as important as the Law of Attraction. Understand what is the law of detachment with simple tips and examples.

Countless articles have been written on the Law of Attraction and how to use it. It’s usual pitfalls, where you are going wrong, what you could do better, and much more. However, very little has been written about the Law of Detachment, its complementary law.

The law of detachment simply means that you realize some things are out of your control, so you accept them and let them go. You don't waste energy on trying to change what's already happened or worrying about what might happen in the future, and instead focus on enjoying life as it comes to you.

The Law of Detachment also means not imposing your thoughts, ideas, and outcomes on the world around you. People come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and letting go of our judgments aids us, it brings new experiences to our lives and opens paths in our lives that we’d never imagined.

Another important aspect of the Law of detachment is uncertainty. Being comfortable with not knowing and putting in your 100% anyway. A lot of being okay with uncertainty has to do with the trust in the universe (or God) that no matter what happens, you will be directed towards your outcome eventually.

It’s not about ignoring emotions.

Or pretending they don't exist (this would be counterproductive). Instead, it's about learning to understand emotions deeply so that we can then let go of them when they become obstacles in our lives instead of letting them control us in ways that take away from our potential happiness and success.

It’s not about letting go of things you love.

It's about accepting that those things are going to end one day anyway so why spend your energy worrying about them? 

The law of detachment doesn't mean being selfish or lazy.

It's not about ignoring the needs of others or being irresponsible with your time and energy. Instead, it means finding balance in all areas of your life so that you can focus on what truly matters most.

Que sera sera.

Say you put in a bid for a home. You love the house, you did your homework, put in the best possible offer, and did all the background checks. Now all you can do is wait. Instead of stressing about the bid or the home, you accept the simple fact of the universe that whatever is meant to be shall be, irrespective of your preferences and wishes . If not this, something else that suits your needs better is in store for you.

Be open to new experiences.

If you are going on a date, look forward to a unique new experience. Don’t make a list of possible drawbacks of this person even before you meet them. Leave some room for them to surprise you. Be in the moment and authentically you. Humans are not  inanimate objects that come with a 'How-to Use' brochure. You can never predict a person easily. On the other hand, enjoy the flow of the conversation with a new person.

Tips to Practice the Law of Detachment

Here are a few ways to practice the 'Law of Detachment' in your personal life-


Choose a mantra or an affirmation of universal trust and letting go. And whenever thoughts of uncertainty arise where you are pondering something that is not in your control, say the mantra and “let it go”.

Spiritual Development

Be present within yourself. Close your eyes and take one deep breath. Now focus on being fully present at the moment. Feel your presence and awareness right behind your eyes. Now stay there till you feel centered and relaxed. 

Exercise and Fitness

Exercising can take your attention away from unnecessary questions and focus on the present. It also releases happy hormones and puts you in a better mood. Exercise promotes body positivity, healthy lifestyle and a rush of oxygen and hormones that can keep you in high spirits throughout the day.

Relaxing activities 

An empty mind is a devil's workshop. Distract yourself. Do something you love. Take a nap, play an engaging game, and catch up with friends. If you feel that your own thoughts are constantly nagging your, explore good literature, take up crosswords or simply grow some plants around you. Staying away from your negative thoughts can reduce the pressure on yourself and lets the universe work things out.

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    So, if you practice the Law of Attraction along with the Law of Detachment, you will feel happier, content, and more in control. You will be less stressed, and you will enjoy your life like every day is a new adventure. Do the work, put in the time, and go all in. And then leave it up to the universe to do the magic.

    Remember that the law of detachment is a spiritual principle that teaches you to let things flow without expecting an outcome so that you can be more present at the moment and live a more fulfilling life.

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